Welcome to the Node 8044 page.
Clicking the above image will take you to the IRLP status site with node connection information.
Node 8044 is connected a reflector full time. As I always say these days, " an idle node is a wasted node ".
The IRLP 3 board is secured to the case under the HDD mount in this build
This node is connected 24 hours. A few guidelines from IRLP.NET are important:
With reflector use the first thing we must all remember is to leave a gap between transmissions. Having said that this is a good time to list the three main rules when connected to a reflector:
Due to the slight increase in delays created by multiple Tone Squelch radios in the links between the repeater and IRLP link radio, a slight change in our normal operating procedures is required with IRLP.
By leaving a pause between transmissions it .....
allows users on other nodes a chance to check in.
allows other nodes time to send touch-tone commands to drop their node.
The most important guideline to remember is leaving a pause after pressing the PTT button as well as between transmissions.